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Evolution of the UK’s Non-Domiciled Regime: A Shift Towards Residence-Based Taxation

Evolution of the UK’s Non-Domiciled Regime: A Shift Towards Residence-Based Taxation Lara Shehadeh Family Paralegal 1. Introduction: For over two centuries, the UK’s non-domiciled regime has been a fundamental aspect of its tax framework, offering benefits to residents whose primary domicile is outside the country. However, recent reforms signify a significant departure from the current […]

What is Intellectual Property: A Copyright Lawyer’s Perspective and Explanation

Lara Shehadeh Family Paralegal What is Intellectual Property: A Copyright Lawyer’s Perspective and Explanation In the realm of intellectual property, ensuring the security of your creations is of utmost importance to prevent any unauthorized use or reproduction. As a copyright lawyer affiliated with a law firm in London, we safeguard diverse forms of intellectual property. […]

Resolutions of Private Companies Limited by Shares

Baher Saleh International Associate Disclaimer: This Article is Not Legal Advice This article is designed to give you a general understanding of resolutions under the Companies Act 2006 (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”), focusing on the methods of passing resolutions and the types of resolutions within private companies limited by shares in the UK. […]

When to Sue your Airlines

Baher Saleh International Associate Disclaimer: This Article Does Not Constitute Legal Advice While this article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Montreal Convention and its implications for passengers in the realm of international air travel, it’s important to note that this article does not constitute legal advice. Every situation is unique, and detailed, […]

Common Legal Myths in UK Law

Hiba Bouhlani Paralegal British Law is dotted with eccentric legislature and testament to its slew of political and historical struggles which eventually made way to the governing system we have in place now. A lot of these myths are widely held as fact by  much of the population and have been steeped in history. Erroneous […]